Our History
In 2020 Mavrik Home Builders Ltd. was created as a sister company to Strata Development Corporation. Since 2013, Strata had been doing residential projects that comprised about 15% of their work, however, residential was never a priority focus for Strata. In 2020, Mavrik was created as a true custom renovation and home builder that exclusively works on residential projects.
Already with some award-winning projects under our belt, the team at Mavrik is pumped to be out from under the shadow of the commercial world and have a chance to rep our unique brand in true Mavrik fashion.
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Why Mavrik?
When creating a new company for our residential team – why the name Mavrik? There are two parts to that. First, we see ourselves as mavericks.
A maverick by definition is:
- an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, especially an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.
- a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates: a modern-dance maverick.
- a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive, policies or ideas: you can’t muzzle a maverick.
If you describe someone as a maverick, it means they are unconventional and independent; they do not think or behave the same as other people. (For some fun reading, check out 7 Traits of a Maverick and get to know us better.)
When registering our name, we had the misfortune of a ‘difficult’ developer from eastern Canada that had recently trademarked the word maverick and denied us permission to use it for our company name. (If you want to know more about the developer that crushed our dreams of being “Maverick” you can look them up at Empire Communities – we are fans of their work but not their decision to deny us.)
Being true mavericks at heart, we didn’t let the first rejection letter get us down. We applied again and once again received another sternly worded rejection letter. So… if we couldn’t be “Maverick”, in the true spirit of a maverick, we made up our own version – Mavrik. And in the end we think this version is better anyways!
Ready to do things a bit differently?
Contact us for your next custom build or renovation project!